Sunday, April 10, 2011

History Trivia

April 17,69 After the First Battle of Bedriacum, Vitellius became Roman Emperor.858 Pope Benedict III died. 1397 Geoffrey Chaucer told the Canterbury Tales for the first time at the court of Richard II. 1492 Spain and Christopher Columbus signed the Capitulations of Santa Fe for his voyage to Asia to acquire spices. 1521 Martin Luther spoke to the assembly at the Diet of Worms where he refused to recant his teachings. Luther had been excommunicated, but Prince Frederick the Wise had refused to take any action against him. Instead he negotioated with Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, who gave Luther safe conduct to appear before the assembly in Worms, Germany. When Luther appeared, he took a day to consider the charges against him, then refused to repudiate his works unless convinced of error by Scripture or reason.

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